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Waves Torque (Produto digital)

Waves Torque is a drum tone-shaping plugin designed to enhance the attack and sustain of drum sounds. It features a unique "Torque" knob that controls the ratio between attack and sustain, allowing you to create a wide range of drum sounds from...
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29,99 €
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Plug-in de efeitos Waves Torque (Produto digital)

Waves Torque (Produto digital)

29,99 €

Código do produto: 1178-3005 | ID: 1138908

Waves Torque (Produto digital)

Waves Torque is a drum tone-shaping plugin designed to enhance the attack and sustain of drum sounds. It features a unique "Torque" knob that controls the ratio between attack and sustain, allowing you to create a wide range of drum sounds from punchy and tight to resonant and booming.


Key Features:

  • Torque control: Adjusts the ratio between attack and sustain.
  • Tone control: Shapes the overall tone of the drum sound.
  • Decay control: Adjusts the decay time of the drum sound.
  • Mix control: Blends the processed signal with the original.
  • Intuitive interface: Easy to use with a single main control.

Waves Torque is a simple yet powerful tool for enhancing drum sounds, making them more impactful and expressive in your mixes.


Parâmetros e especificações



Compatível com


Formatos de plug-in suportados



Requisitos do sistema

Requisitos de hardware

8 GB RAM, 16 GB HD